Announcement! RiskRecon & South African Aerospace Maritime & Defence Industries Association Workshop – 29 November 2023

RiskRecon is excited to announce a workshop it will host in partnership with the AMD/SAAMDEC

Topic: Boosting Investments in the South African Defence Manufacturing Sector: Analysing Regional and Global Influences and Their Implications for the Industry

Date: Wednesday, 29 November, 2023

Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm

Venue: Online

To RSVP with the AMD – contact:  

For more information – 

Workshop Background & Focus 

AMD, SAAMDEC, and RiskRecon invites you to participate in a workshop that aims to address the most salient opportunities, and challenges emerging from the local, regional, and global operational environments. Additionally, the workshop will expose participants to an exciting opportunity, being an overview of a global investment fund, keen to explore investment opportunities in the South African defence manufacturing industry. This workshop is positioned in the context of ongoing work to reposition the South African defence manufacturing sector. For this reason the focus will be on an environment analysis of key local (South African), regional, and global trends that impact on the operations, and strategy of role players in this sector.  The workshop will focus on two distinct issues:

In order to rise to the challenges the world, South Africa and its defence manufacturing industry are facing, new investment in the latter sector is a critical ingredient for growth and success. We look forward to your participation and contribution!